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How important is the application of App Cloner, and why you need downloaded to your phone?

There are many applications installed in your phone, private networking, including Facebook applications, Watts August, Skiab ..ogerha, but what if you want to run two accounts in the same Allowaguet In the same machine? Here comes the importance of "App Cloner" application that you will learn about it together in this post.
It is an application that can work another version specific applications in your phone and use different accounts in one device. For example, in normal mode when you want to use another account in the application of Skype, for example, you must first log out of your account first, to be able to use the application with the new account. Here comes the importance of this application, saluting allows you to create "clone" of any of the applications it supports, thus you can use another account or only perform other tasks and customize each copy of a particular account.
Use of the application is very easy, all you have to do is download the application from the link underneath, and after entering him Slahz list of applications located in your phone, where you can choose the application that you want to make a copy of it by clicking on it, and then will open a new window to customize the new version that you want to create. You can choose a new name for the application copied, and changing the colors of the icon that ..ogar of properties brought to you by the application.
Unfortunately, you can not clone some applications. It includes Alwats August, snapchat, Google Chrome, Facebook Messenger, YouTube and others. The Facebook application is now available only in Alangelazah.tava language you can learn all the application that you can work with those that copy or application through its description on Google Play does not support them:

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How important is the application of App Cloner, and why you need downloaded to your phone? Reviewed by Unknown on 2:32 AM Rating: 5
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