Scientists have detected gravitational waves for the second time
LIGO does it again
Scientists with the LIGO collaboration claim they have once again
detected gravitational waves — the ripples in space-time produced by
objects moving throughout the Universe. It’s the second time these
researchers have picked up gravitational wave signals, after becoming the first team in history to do so earlier this year."The first detection wasn’t just luck."
This second detection boosts the likelihood that LIGO is truly measuring waves and not something else. "Seeing a second loud signal like this means the first detection wasn’t just luck," said Duncan Brown, a LIGO researcher and a professor of physics at Syracuse University. These two wave signals also occurred within just a few months of each other, hinting that these detections may happen pretty frequently for LIGO moving forward.
As with the original finding, these waves came from the
merger of two black holes — super dense objects that form when a star
collapses and dies. During the merger, these black holes rapidly spun
around each other several times a second, before joining together into a
single extra-dense object. The whole process generated massive
gravitational waves that rippled outward at the speed of light. Those
waves billowed through space for 1.4 billion years before finally
reaching Earth on December 26th (or December 25th for those in the US),
when LIGO’s two observatories picked them up. The discovery was detailed
in new study recently accepted for publication in the journal Physical Review Letters.
Although both of LIGO’s detections have stemmed from
black hole mergers, the two events that spawned them are different. The
black holes involved in today’s finding were much smaller than the first
pair; these objects were about eight and 14 times the mass of our Sun,
while the first ones were around 29 and 36 solar masses. Because these
holes were smaller, they didn’t produce as strong of a signal. But the
smaller sizes of the holes did make the resulting signal last longer.
That’s because the less massive objects didn’t "pull" on each other as
strongly, so their merger took more time. This produced a signal that
LIGO measured for over an entire second — much longer than the 0.5
seconds of the first signal. That longer observation time allowed
researchers to observe many more rotations of the merging black holes
than before.
"This second detection hints that black hole mergers occur pretty frequently"
This second detection also hints that black hole mergers
occur pretty frequently, and LIGO will be able to pick a lot of them up.
LIGO’s first detection occurred in September, and this one happened
just a few months later. There's even the possibility that the
collaboration measured a third signal at the end of last year, but the
researchers aren’t sure yet if it came from gravitational waves.
One finding could be error; a second finding makes
scientists more confident. Researchers now think they can start using
gravitational wave signals as a way to learn more about the types of
black holes distributed throughout the Universe. "With the first
detection, we actually achieved detection of gravitational waves,
marking the end of a very long era," said LIGO collaborator Susan Scott,
a professor of quantum science at Australian National University. "With
this second detection, we’ve started the era of gravitational wave
Gravitational waves are a big part of Albert Einstein’s theory of
general relativity, which revolutionized physics when it first came out
in 1916. Before that, space and time were considered fixed concepts that
didn’t really have any effect on one another. General relativity
changed all that by combining space and time into a single concept,
space-time. The idea was that objects could actually warp and bend
space-time around them; the bigger the object, the bigger its space-time
imprint. And when these massive objects move, they create undulating
space-time ripples, or gravitational waves, kind of like creating
ripples in a pond.
"Detecting these ripples is a super precise science"
Up until recently, gravitational waves were the last piece of Einstein’s
theory that still hadn’t been proven. That’s because detecting these
ripples is a super precise science. Waves produced by the Sun and
planets in our Solar System are too weak to pick up from Earth, so
scientists are limited to picking up the waves from the movements of
super dense objects far away — like black holes and stellar remnants
called neutron stars. But even the gargantuan waves from these objects
still weaken considerably by the time they reach Earth, requiring extra
sensitive instrumentation to pick up.
That's where LIGO comes in. The collaboration, which stands for the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory,
has two facilities in Louisiana and Washington specially designed to
measure gravitational ripples from big merging objects. Each observatory
is shaped like a large L, the "arms" of which are two vacuum-sealed
tubes stretching 2.5 miles long. At the end of each arm is a mirror that
is kept as still as possible. That way, whenever a gravitational wave
passes, one mirror appears to move farther away from the observatory
while the other appears to move closer. LIGO scientists measure this
movement by timing how long it takes for lasers to bounce off of each
mirror. The mirrors don’t move very much though; their relative
positions only change by one ten-thousandth the size of a proton.
Using this method, LIGO made its first wave detection on September
14th, 2015, right when the collaboration started looking for signals.
After that, the team continued observing around the clock until January
12th. At first, the researchers didn’t expect the observation to last
that long, as they wanted stop before Christmastime. "We originally
planned to stop running and give people a break around the holidays,"
said David Shoemaker, a LIGO collaborator and a senior research
scientist at the MIT Kavli Institute. "But we asked the operators and
the other people at the observatories if they could stick around and
continue to watch the machine."
That turned out to be the right call, when the scientists
got an alert of a potential detection late Christmas night at 11:38PM
ET. During LIGO’s observation, the researchers ran a series of computer
programs that continuously looked for patterns in the observatories’
data. The programs rapidly compare those patterns with thousands of
predetermined templates of what a gravitational wave signal could look
like. If the data matches up with a template, it’s possible that a wave
just passed by. "The thing that happened on the 26th of December was
that one of those templates lined up very nicely with some data," said
"The researchers are eager to observe waves coming from different stellar remnants"
Now that LIGO has measured two black hole mergers, the
researchers are eager to observe waves coming from different stellar
remnants like neutron stars. Those are small, extra-dense stars leftover
when a much bigger star collapses. There’s also the possibility of
picking up the merger of a neutron star with a black hole. "There are so
many other types of sources we’re going after that we haven’t yet
detected," said Scott. "Binary black hole systems are just one of them."
But moving forward, the team expects to observe many more
black hole mergers very soon when the collaboration starts its next
round of observations this fall. And the more they detect, the more they
can learn about how big black holes are and how many there are
throughout the cosmos. "If we can understand the distributions of black
holes, we can start to understand the life and death of stars, which is
really a question of where we came from and where the Universe is
going," said Brown. "So that’s really cool that we can map out the
history and evolution of the Universe by seeing these black holes
colliding into each other."
An artist rendering of a neutron star flaring brightly. (NASA)
Scientists have detected gravitational waves for the second time
Reviewed by Unknown
10:46 PM
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